This modern house with Self Abilities Solar Roofpod designed for urban style that adaptable in the various
situations mostly in the big city. So, the architecture and design of this
house was built with independent abilities.
Created by team New York for the Department of Energy Solar
Decathlon 2011, it was inspired of the fact of urban rooftops are largely
under-used. Not only this house are able to be build on the top of building but
also can produce solar power, cultivate roof gardens, retain and recycle storm
water. Home features a modular dwelling unit design, a rooftop-mounted solar
trellis with new photovoltaic technology, a power and water monitor. And the
sophisticated technologies on this house include a micro-inverter each solar
panel, solar thermal collectors with a radiant floor system, a thermal storage
system with paraffin that reduce the size of tank by half. Photo of Solar
Roofpod by