Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House - Modern Home Design - Decor Ideas

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House
Shipping Container House
Shipping Container House - The cheapest way to build a house. The house made of shipping containers as the main material for construction of a house can minimize the cost of construction.
In addition it has a lot of architects who have developed houses and other kind of buildings, especially constructed with unused shipping containers. That's what causes this type of house becomes cheaper to build.
A container has basic form of a box, therefore, a house made of container usually be built in the style of a modern home. Here is an example of a container home with modern style. Caterpillar House is located in Chile on a hill with nice view of the luxurious underneath. Sebastián Irarrázaval designed this house using shipping container for each room and uniquely the architect also use containers to create a luxurious swimming pool.
Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House

Shipping Container House - Caterpillar House